Risks of DIY Roofing

Our Blog Post About DIYing Roof Work

DIY roofing projects seem like a good idea to many handy homeowners. However, roofing is one area where specialized knowledge and training is crucial. The desire to save money and handle the project yourself is understandable, but can result in some unexpected consequences.  It’s imperative that roof repairs and major roof replacements in Edmond are left to trained, licensed professionals. Let’s take a look at why and what you should do.

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Risk to Yourself

For over-ambitious homeowners, a lack of experience can quickly turn a roofing project into a trip to the emergency room. Roofing requires a lot of tools and heavy materials to be brought up to elevated heights; doing so improperly can result in injury to yourself and anyone helping you.

Also, slips and falls are a common occurrence; all it takes is one bad step to put yourself in harms way. Don’t put yourself at risk of falling through a damaged roof repair because you didn’t have the expertise to notice the weak spot. Let’s face it, working safely on a roof is no simple task, and that’s why the job should be left to an experienced roofing contractor.

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Risk to Your Home

DIY roofing projects put your home at risk for a variety of reasons. Using the wrong tools or materials can leave your roof vulnerable to weather events and may lead to damage in the rest of your home. Leaks are common after DIY roofing projects since gaps and holes in the roof’s coverage go unnoticed by an untrained eye. Quality of materials is also an issue for DIY projects; homeowners do not have access to the higher standard of materials offered to roofing companies. Negating the importance of high-quality materials for your roof can result in the need for more frequent repairs.

Professional roofers in Edmond are required to go through many hours of supervised training in order to learn proper installation techniques; homeowners skipping these steps leave their homes vulnerable. It is important to remember that an improperly fixed roof can have just as many consequences as never having fixed it at all.


Risks to Your Finances

Saving money is typically the driving factor that motivates a homeowner to take on the job of repairing their roof rather than calling a professional company. However, these DIY projects often result in more expenses. Homeowners will need to supply themselves with all the roofing tools and materials that are required; this can come with a hefty price tag, especially since you aren’t able to enjoy the savings that roofing companies are privy to thanks to buying in bulk. Also, you may accidentally void warranty on your roof since DIY projects are generally not covered; this will cost you quite a bit the next time your roof needs work. Performing work on your roof yourself can also put you at risk for denied insurance claims, since you may have been a contributing factor to the problem.

When You Need Trusted Roofer in Edmond, Turn To A Professional In Your Area!

Final Thoughts

After all your work and expense, you may find yourself calling a contractor anyway because the job was more than you bargained for. Keep yourself, your home, and your finances safe; call a professional roofing company from the start and avoid the dangers of DIY roofing.

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